Friday, May 11, 2007

Review: 28 weeks later

There's 2 trailers


Which i've seen b4 watching the movie

My review:
Its a story about the deadly disease/virus that infects people quickly in the centre of london. The story goes something like 28 days later and shaun of the dead.

An exciting, action-packed movie filled with blood and zombies.
I didnt regret in watching that movie. Cos i love that sorta movie. haha. Movie-lover kali ahh..Made me jumpy awal2 tu. Tapi kesian lah.. After the movie, We even ceta2 about what would we do if it happens in itb. Jauh palis..haha. Well..its a cool movie after all.
FYI: Ada Rose Byrne lah( yang belakun dlm ceta wicker park, if u guys happen to adore her. haha. Pretty girl..xp

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